Module light_labyrinth.hyperparams

The light_labyrinth.hyperparams module includes all the necessary hyperparameter classes to build a custom Light Labyrinth model.

Using a proper error function or adding a regularization term may significantly improve the model's performance. This module provides various hyperparameters the user can exploit instead of the default ones, predefined in the models.

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The `light_labyrinth.hyperparams` module includes all the
necessary hyperparameter classes to build a custom Light Labyrinth model.

Using a proper error function or adding a regularization term may 
significantly improve the model's performance. This module provides 
various hyperparameters the user can exploit instead of the default ones, 
predefined in the models.



The light_labyrinth.hyperparams.activation module includes ReflectiveIndex classes with predefined splitting criteria (or activation functions) …


The light_labyrinth.hyperparams.error_function module includes ErrorCalculator classes with predefined error functions (or loss functions) that …


The light_labyrinth.hyperparams.optimization module includes Optimizer classes with predefined optimization algorithms that can be used for …


The light_labyrinth.hyperparams.regularization module includes Regularization classes that can be used for training Light Labyrinth models. The …


The light_labyrinth.hyperparams.weights_init module includes WeightsInit class that allows to initialize model's weights before training.